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Article: Metaphysical Properties of Labradorite

Closeup of blue flash labradorite

Metaphysical Properties of Labradorite

About Labradorite

Labradorite captivates with its enchanting display of colors, leaving a lasting impression. This exquisite stone showcases a range of hues, from blue to yellow, green, and even hints of orange, purple, or pink.

Discover the origins, historical significance, and explore the metaphysical and energetic properties associated with labradorite.

Physical Properties of Labradorite

Labradorite, a feldspar mineral, has a hardness of 6 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale. Its remarkable iridescence and unique pearly glow create a vibrant flash known as "labradorescence." This phenomenon occurs when light penetrates the stone, reflecting off fractures, much like the captivating effect seen in rainbow moonstone

Labradorite derives its name from Labrador, a region in Canada where it was first discovered on Paul's Island in the 1770s. Today, it is also mined in Norway, Finland (known as spectrolite), and Madagascar, a treasure trove of various gemstones.

History and Uses of Labradorite

In Canadian indigenous cultures, labradorite was believed to be fire transformed into ice in the presence of the northern lights. Legends tell of a courageous warrior who attempted to release the northern lights by breaking labradorite rocks with his spear, partially succeeding.

This captivating stone also held significance in shamanic beliefs as a tool for accessing altered states of consciousness and alternative realities.

Energetic and Metaphysical Properties of Labradorite

Labradorite combines magic and protection. It enhances intuition, synchronicity, and encourages self-expression. It pierces through illusions to reveal truth and dispels negativity.

Although labradorite is associated with the skies due to its connection with the Northern Lights, it is fundamentally a stone of water. Interestingly, it resonates strongly with courageous signs such as Leo, Scorpio, and Sagittarius. Its influence extends to the Vishuddha (throat), Ajna (third eye), and Sahasrara (crown) chakras, facilitating insight, divine connection, and effective communication. It's a great crystal to use during the fall season and around Halloween/Samhain.

Labradorite heightens psychic abilities, clarifies perception, and enables individuals to discern authenticity. It offers support to those who fear tapping into their intuition, reminding them to trust their inner guidance. This stone acts as a guide through the spiritual realm, ensuring a secure and grounded exploration.

In addition, labradorite possesses numerous energetic benefits. Placing it in your workspace enhances creativity, boosts brain activity, and stimulates problem-solving. It fosters intuition, activates the third eye chakra, and allows you to perceive the magic that surrounds you. Embracing change and transformation, labradorite serves as a catalyst for personal growth and evolution.

Labradorite is also a great crystal to use when working with the energy of the new moon.

Labradorite Associations

Astrological: Scorpio, Leo, Sagittarius

Chakra: Throat, Third Eye, Crown

Elemental: Water

Keywords: Magic, Intuition, Protection

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