Boost your confidence with these 3 crystals
Courage ▵ Poise ▵ Tenacity ▵ Self Esteem
It's Leo season (July 22 - August 23), full-on summer (in the Northern Hemisphere), and the perfect time to give yourself a feel-good boost!
Confidence is our sense of courage; our poise; our tenacity; our self-esteem. Confidence has a huge effect on our overall wellbeing and experience of life - so if you feel that you are lacking in confidence and could use a boost, here are three crystals that can help you do that.

Citrine is the stone of abundance, manifestation, creativity, and strong 3rd chakra/solar plexus energy. It is warming, sunny, and uplifting. Citrine is also a variety of quartz - this time, one that reflects the yellow to yellow-orange light spectrum.

Carnelian is a fantastic stone for the lower chakras - root (1st), sacral (2nd), and solar plexus (3rd). It's a stone of creativity, motivation, sexuality, courage, passion, and action. If you need help getting moving, fiery carnelian would be a good energetic support.
Tiger's Eye
Tiger’s eye is a powerful stone for supporting confidence, strength, and vitality. It can help support creativity, confidence, motivation, and resilience. Tiger’s eye is also a stone of manifestation, prosperity, luck, and abundance.
Try Them!
If you are looking for a boost of confidence and self-esteem, give one or more of these stones a try.
Want to go even deeper and build your confidence? Check out our workbook and crystal set for confidence, with a set of 6 crystals, a beautiful affirmation card, a crystal exercise, affirmations, and journal prompts to support your most magical self!