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Article: Celestite Properties

Celestite Properties Mooncat Crystals

Celestite Properties


About Celestite 

Celestite is a beautiful, translucent crystal resembling crushed ice, which shimmers with light blue, white, and grey. It is most commonly found in Madagascar, but there are also pockets in Ohio (US) that yield beautiful blue crystals in shades of very light, to a deep medium blue.

Physical Properties of Celestite

Celestite (sometimes called Celestine) is a strontium sulfate mineral. Its name can be traced to the Latin words caelestis and caelum, which mean consecutively celestial and sky (or heavens). It doesn’t strike anyone as odd that celestite got its name after its elegant, ice-blue color. Other varieties – white, light green, and ash brown – exist, too, but they are far less common.

Celestite’s hardness on the Mohs scale is 3-3.5, which means it’s very soft and prone to scratching. It usually occurs in a variety of massive and fibrous forms, and it can be found in sedimentary or carbonate rocks. Although it's present worldwide, its quantities are rather small. Important excavation sites of celestite can be found in Madagascar, Namibia, UK, and also Poland.

Celestite can sometimes be confused for blue calcite; however, once you know what to look for, the differences can be seen easily.

History and Uses of Celestite

Not much is known about the past use of celestite. Typically, only Namibian specimens are polished for jewelry, partially because it is so soft that it does not make for durable pieces. However, celestite has other important applications - even beyond its beauty and function as crystal home decor. Principally, it’s a source of strontium, which is used to create fireworks.

Celestite is also used in a wide range of industries: for making glass and ceramics; in pyrotechnics; for nuclear energy; in battery production; and even in paint! Celestite can also be found in several metal alloys.

Metaphysical Properties of Celestite

Celestite is the stone of three upper chakras: Vishuddha (the throat chakra), Ajna (the third eye chakra) and Sahasrara (the crown chakra). Celestite is also said to be beneficial for the soul star chakra.

Although celestite is blue, its element is wind, not water. Hence, it's often suggested for air signs, like Libra and Gemini. However, these signs certainly aren't the only groups that will find celestite useful. Celestite is great for anyone experiencing emotional turmoil or feelings that seem "blocked."

The soothing blue color of celestite will support you and can help you calm down and get over your fears and phobias.

If you know someone suffering from agoraphobia or social anxiety in general, give them a celestite pendant and see if it eases those fears. Performers will appreciate it, too.

Celestite is known for its high-frequency energy and has been said to provide a connection to the angels.

It can be helpful with calming the mind and helping with relaxation. It is also said to be helpful with things that are mind-related: connecting to your intuition, developing your psychic gifts, and aiding in clarity.

Celestite is a great decoration choice for therapy offices, spa rooms, and bedrooms. It instills serenity and promotes peaceful dreams. If you're hoping to establish a new connection with your guardian angels or a soulmate with whom you went through a rough patch, celestite, the symbol of peace will help. Celestite is said to provide spiritual comfort, deepen unconditional love, and open you to the wisdom present in the universe.

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