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Article: How Online Courses and Crystal Healing are Similar

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How Online Courses and Crystal Healing are Similar

How developing online courses is a lot like working with crystals 

You've likely met me as a crystal seller, crystal healer, or crystal educator. You may have found me through my shop, Mooncat Crystals, or my blog

You may not know, however, that I've worked in higher education for 20+ years. Over the past 10 years, I've worked with hundreds of faculty, professionals, experts, and community leaders, to help them design and develop online courses. 

In this audio, I discuss three ways that working with crystals is similar to online course design

Three ways working with crystals is like instructional design: 

1. It can - and should - be simple.
2. You don't have to know the whole thing, to get started (you just need the right tools + support). 
3. Start where you are: there's always more you can tap into. But if you don't start, you'll never know.

Want to develop an online course of your own?

If you've been thinking about designing an online course, but just aren't sure how to get started...or think you're not "tech savvy" enough...or don't think that anyone would be interested in learning about that topic, I'm currently offering a mentorship opportunity to work 1:1 on your online course. 

Read more about BLUEPRINT below: 


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