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Crystal Palm Stones

Crystal Palm Stones

Palm stones are designed to fit comfortably in your hand, radiating soothing energy that helps calm your mind and body.

Ideal for meditation, stress relief, or carrying with you throughout the day, palm stones offer a sense of peace and balance, grounding you whenever you need it most.


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Carnelian Palm Stone | Stock ACarnelian Palm Stone | Stock A
Water-Clear Quartz Palm Stone | Stock BWater-Clear Quartz Palm Stone | Stock B
Clear Quartz Palm Stone | Stock AClear Quartz Palm Stone | Stock A
Black Moonstone Palm Stone | Stock ABlack Moonstone Palm Stone | Stock A
Amazonite Palm Stone | Stock AAmazonite Palm Stone | Stock A
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Chocolate Opal Palm StoneChocolate Opal Palm Stone
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Periwinkle Blue Quartz Palm StonePeriwinkle Blue Quartz Palm Stone
Garnierite Palm StoneGarnierite Palm Stone
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Rhodonite Palm StoneRhodonite Palm Stone
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Peach Scolecite Palm StonePeach Scolecite Palm Stone
Peach Scolecite Palm StonePeach Scolecite Palm Stone
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Septarian Palm Stone Sale price$12.00
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Crazy Lace Agate Palm StoneCrazy Lace Agate Palm Stone
Mookaite Palm StoneMookaite Palm Stone
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Ocean Jasper Palm StoneOcean Jasper Palm Stone
Ocean Jasper Palm Stone Sale price$12.00
Lemon Calcite Palm StoneLemon Calcite Palm Stone
Lemon Calcite Palm Stone Sale price$28.00
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Madagascan Turquoise Palm Stone for Harmony and Healing | Stock Y Mooncat CrystalsMadagascan Turquoise Palm Stone for Harmony and Healing | Stock Y Mooncat Crystals
Malachite Palm Stone | Stock AMalachite Palm Stone | Stock A
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Emerald Palm Stone Sale price$218.00
Chevron Amethyst Palm Stone for Balance and Intuition Mooncat CrystalsChevron Amethyst Palm Stone for Balance and Intuition Mooncat Crystals
Chevron Amethyst Palm Stone Sale priceFrom $8.00

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