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Crystal Hearts, Moons, and Shapes

Crystal Hearts, Moons, and Shapes

Crystal shapes are more than just beautiful—they carry symbolic meaning that deepens your connection with the energy they hold.

Whether it’s a heart for love, a star for guidance, or an animal for strength, these carved crystals enhance your intention-based work and bring meaningful energy into your space.


Amethyst Flower BouquetAmethyst Flower Bouquet
Amethyst Flower Bouquet Sale price$112.00
Amethyst Gem for Balance and Intuition Mooncat CrystalsAmethyst Gem for Balance and Intuition Mooncat Crystals
Amethyst Gem Sale price$22.00
Black Tourmaline Flame for Protection + Balance | Stock A Mooncat CrystalsBlack Tourmaline Flame for Protection + Balance | Stock A Mooncat Crystals
Black Tourmaline Flame for Protection + Balance | Stock B Mooncat CrystalsBlack Tourmaline Flame for Protection + Balance | Stock B Mooncat Crystals
Blue Chalcedony Face Roller for a Calm and Soothing Beauty Routine Mooncat CrystalsBlue Chalcedony Face Roller for a Calm and Soothing Beauty Routine Mooncat Crystals
Chiapas Amber HeartChiapas Amber Heart
Chiapas Amber Heart Sale price$44.00
Clear Quartz Moon with Stand (~4") for Transformation and Renewal | Stock B Mooncat CrystalsClear Quartz Moon with Stand (~4") for Transformation and Renewal | Stock B Mooncat Crystals
Clear Quartz Moon with Stand (~4") for Transformation and Renewal | Stock C Mooncat CrystalsClear Quartz Moon with Stand (~4") for Transformation and Renewal | Stock C Mooncat Crystals
Clear Quartz Moon with Stand (~5 1/2") for Transformation and Renewal | Stock A Mooncat CrystalsClear Quartz Moon with Stand (~5 1/2") for Transformation and Renewal | Stock A Mooncat Crystals
Cute Onyx Pumpkin Trinket Dish for Strength and Protection Mooncat CrystalsCute Onyx Pumpkin Trinket Dish for Strength and Protection Mooncat Crystals
Diamond-Cut Quartz GemDiamond-Cut Quartz Gem
Diamond-Cut Quartz Gem Sale price$33.00
Double Terminated Rutilated Quartz | Stock ADouble Terminated Rutilated Quartz | Stock A
Double Terminated Rutilated Quartz | Stock BDouble Terminated Rutilated Quartz | Stock B
Double-Terminated Selenite WandDouble-Terminated Selenite Wand
Druzy Agate SkullDruzy Agate Skull
Druzy Agate Skull Sale price$33.00
Ethiopian Opal Ring with CZ Accents for Inspiration and Emotional Healing | Size 5.5 Mooncat CrystalsEthiopian Opal Ring with CZ Accents for Inspiration and Emotional Healing | Size 5.5 Mooncat Crystals
Faceted Natural Citrine for Wealth and Success | Stock A Mooncat CrystalsFaceted Natural Citrine for Wealth and Success | Stock A Mooncat Crystals
Faceted Natural Citrine for Wealth and Success | Stock B Mooncat CrystalsFaceted Natural Citrine for Wealth and Success | Stock B Mooncat Crystals
Faceted Natural Citrine for Wealth and Success | Stock C Mooncat CrystalsFaceted Natural Citrine for Wealth and Success | Stock C Mooncat Crystals
Faceted Quartz FlameFaceted Quartz Flame
Faceted Quartz Flame Sale price$68.00
Flower Agate Crescent MoonFlower Agate Crescent Moon
Green Aventurine Bunch of Grapes for Prosperity and Emotional Healing Mooncat CrystalsGreen Aventurine Bunch of Grapes for Prosperity and Emotional Healing Mooncat Crystals
Healer's Gold Egg for Healing and Balance Mooncat CrystalsHealer's Gold Egg for Healing and Balance Mooncat Crystals
Healer's Gold Egg Sale price$55.00
Himalayan Quartz Shiva Lingham for Spiritual Elevation Mooncat CrystalsHimalayan Quartz Shiva Lingham for Spiritual Elevation Mooncat Crystals
Himalayan Quartz Shiva Lingham Sale priceFrom $18.00
Kammererite Cabochon | You choose Mooncat CrystalsKammererite Cabochon | You choose Mooncat Crystals
Kammererite Cabochon | You choose Sale priceFrom $49.00
Mangano Calcite Mushroom (UV Reactive)Mangano Calcite Mushroom (UV Reactive)
Michigan Copper WandMichigan Copper Wand
Michigan Copper Wand Sale price$55.00
Natural Faceted Citrine Gem for Wealth and Success Mooncat CrystalsNatural Faceted Citrine Gem for Wealth and Success Mooncat Crystals
Nephrite Jade FreeformNephrite Jade Freeform
Nephrite Jade Freeform Sale price$78.00
Orange Selenite Crescent Moon Dish for Cleansing and Clarity Mooncat CrystalsOrange Selenite Crescent Moon Dish for Cleansing and Clarity Mooncat Crystals
Petrified Wood for Grounding + Ancestor Connection Mooncat CrystalsPetrified Wood for Grounding + Ancestor Connection Mooncat Crystals
Petrified Wood Sale price$33.00
Petrified Wood for Grounding + Ancestor Connection Mooncat CrystalsPetrified Wood for Grounding + Ancestor Connection Mooncat Crystals
Petrified Wood Sale price$21.00
Pyrite in Quartz | Stock APyrite in Quartz | Stock A
Pyrite Platonic Solids SetPyrite Platonic Solids Set
Pyrite Skull for Wealth and Confidence | Stock B Mooncat CrystalsPyrite Skull for Wealth and Confidence | Stock B Mooncat Crystals
Pyrite Skull | Stock B Sale price$111.00
Quartz Bat Halloween Carved Crystal Mooncat CrystalsQuartz Bat Halloween Carved Crystal Mooncat Crystals
Quartz Crescent Moon for Clarity and Amplification Mooncat CrystalsQuartz Crescent Moon for Clarity and Amplification Mooncat Crystals
Quartz Crescent Moon Sale price$111.00
Quartz Faceted Star for Clarity and Amplification Mooncat CrystalsCLEARS THE MIND + AMPLIFIES INTENTIONS:: Shining Quartz Faceted Star
Quartz Faceted Star Sale price$55.00
Quartz Ghost Halloween Carved Crystal Mooncat CrystalsQuartz Ghost Halloween Carved Crystal Mooncat Crystals
Rainbow Obsidian Carved Tulip for Insight and Transformation Mooncat CrystalsRainbow Obsidian Carved Tulip for Insight and Transformation Mooncat Crystals
Selenite Bowl for Cleansing and Clarity | Approx. 4” Mooncat CrystalsSelenite Bowl for Cleansing and Clarity | Approx. 4” Mooncat Crystals
Selenite Chakra WandSelenite Chakra Wand
Selenite Chakra Wand Sale price$11.00
Selenite Crescent Moon Dish for Cleansing and Clarity Mooncat CrystalsSelenite Crescent Moon Dish for Cleansing and Clarity Mooncat Crystals
Selenite SnowflakeSelenite Snowflake
Selenite Snowflake Sale price$38.00
Selenite Sphere HolderSelenite Sphere Holder
Selenite Sphere Holder Sale price$15.00
Selenite Sticks for Cleansing and Clarity | Set of 2 Mooncat CrystalsSelenite Sticks for Cleansing and Clarity | Set of 2 Mooncat Crystals
Shungite Square Tile for Purification and Protection | 4” Mooncat CrystalsShungite Square Tile for Purification and Protection | 4” Mooncat Crystals
Solid Michigan Copper Heart for Vitality and Energy Mooncat CrystalsSolid Michigan Copper Heart for Vitality and Energy Mooncat Crystals
Sunstone & Moonstone Stars and Crescent MoonsSunstone & Moonstone Stars and Crescent Moons
Sunstone with Moonstone FlameSunstone with Moonstone Flame