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Article: Moldavite Properties

Moldavite Properties Mooncat Crystals

Moldavite Properties

About Moldavite

Moldavite is an extraordinary tektite commonly referred to as “space glass.” Moldavite formed as the result of a remarkable cosmic event: the fall and impact of a colossal meteorite in Europe, in what is now the Czech Republic.

Physical Attributes of Moldavite

Moldavite, classified as a tektite, is a projective silica rock renowned as "space glass." Exhibiting varying degrees of transparency, it displays a distinctive green hue adorned with enchanting swirls and bubbles, reminiscent of lush moss. Distinguishing genuine moldavite from imitations involves examining its texture, with each piece showcasing unique irregularities, and identifying the presence of tiny bubbles resulting from the molten state of the gem during impact.

On the Mohs scale, moldavite exhibits a hardness ranging from 5.5 to 7. Unlike minerals formed through natural geological processes, moldavite's formation occurred after the meteorite's descent approximately 15 million years ago in what is now the Czech Republic. Consequently, this captivating gemstone is exclusively found in the Czech Republic and Austria. Notably, there exist variations between Moravian moldavite, which tends to have a browner hue, and Bohemian moldavite.

During its creation, a staggering total of approximately 275 tons of moldavite were scattered throughout the region. Today, the Czech Republic boasts a renowned Moldavite Museum, while Slovenia houses an association dedicated to popularizing the intriguing history of this captivating gem.

Moldavite's quality is categorized into three grades: museum-grade, medium grade, and regular grade. Museum-grade moldavite possesses remarkable transparency and showcases a delicate fern pattern. On the other hand, regular grade moldavite exhibits a darker green shade and a pitted surface. Due to its formation process, moldavite seldom occurs in large specimens.

Moldavite shares a similar composition with australites (Australasian tektites) and ivorites (Ivory Coast tektites), further expanding the cosmic connections of these extraordinary gemstones.

History and Lore of Moldavite

In 1786, scientists first encountered moldavite during a meeting of the Bohemian Scientific Society at Prague University. At that time, moldavite was referred to as 'chrysolite from Tyn nad Vltavou,' named after a river in the Czech Republic. Its German name, Moldautein, eventually inspired the name 'moldavite' as we know it today.

However, it was not until 1900 that F. E. Suess discovered that moldavite's unique surface features could be attributed to its meteoric origin. The gem's chemical properties revealed its formation approximately 15 million years ago, coinciding with the creation of the Nordlinger Ries crater. The molten material, having cooled, descended upon Earth.

Eight years later, Johann Veran stumbled upon a statue in an Austrian village known as the Venus of Willendorf. Contrary to its association with the Roman goddess, the statue represented a fertility deity, possibly the local Mother Goddess. It was surrounded by amulets, talismans, and knives adorned with moldavite.

Numerous speculations surround the historical use of moldavite. Some suggest that it was the material of the legendary Tabula Smaragdina, an emerald tablet believed to contain secret alchemic knowledge and hermetic philosophy, together with the information about the philosopher’s stone, as well as theories about the microcosmic and macrocosmic forces. However, it’s not clear whether the tablet was made of moldavite, emerald, or other transparent green stone.

Metaphysical Properties of Moldavite

Moldavite serves as a potent conduit for cosmic energies, facilitating a deep connection between Earth and the celestial realms. As a projective silica rock, it emanates a powerful energy that resonates with the universe. However, you shouldn't be afraid of moldavite's power: trendy social media warnings that it can ruin your life, or claims that it's too strong for most people, are overblown and, in many ways, blatantly incorrect.

Moldavite's vibrant green hue symbolizes growth, renewal, and the harmonious interplay between the earthly and cosmic realms.

Embracing moldavite opens the doors to accelerated spiritual growth and personal transformation. Its energetic vibrations stimulate the expansion of consciousness, allowing one to access higher realms of knowledge and wisdom. Moldavite acts as a catalyst, catalyzing profound shifts and awakening dormant spiritual potentials.

At the heart of moldavite's metaphysical properties lies its profound impact on the heart chakra, the center of love, compassion, and emotional well-being. By activating and balancing the heart chakra, moldavite supports the healing of emotional wounds, fostering inner harmony, and promoting the expression of unconditional love.

Moldavite is renowned for its ability to enhance intuition and psychic abilities. It heightens one's sensitivity to subtle energies and intuitive insights, enabling a deeper connection with the spiritual realms. Working with moldavite can lead to heightened clairvoyance, clairsentience, and clairaudience, empowering individuals to tap into their innate psychic gifts.

Harnessing the energies of moldavite can amplify the power of manifestation. As a stone of transformation and growth, it aligns one's intentions with the universal energies, facilitating the manifestation of desires and spiritual goals. Moldavite encourages individuals to embrace their innate creative potential and actively co-create their reality.

Moldavite is believed to provide powerful protection against negative energies and psychic attacks. It forms a shield of light around the aura, safeguarding the individual from energetic intrusions and promoting a sense of energetic well-being. Moldavite's protective properties extend beyond the physical realm, shielding the spirit from external influences that may hinder spiritual growth.

Symbolically, moldavite is often associated with the phoenix, a mythical bird reborn from the ashes of its own destruction. Moldavite resonates with the phoenix's transformative journey, guiding individuals through cycles of growth, shedding old patterns, and embracing profound rebirth. It inspires resilience, courage, and the willingness to embrace change as a catalyst for personal and spiritual evolution.

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