The Magic of Ohio Flint
Crystals are filled with possibility.
One of the reasons I love selling crystals so much, is because I know how much of an impact they can have on a person. It's happened to me and it's happened to many people I've known.
To some, it may seem far-fetched to say, but those who have experienced it know:
Crystals can be life changing. When people experience the right crystals, at the right time in their lives, magic happens.
I wanted to share this letter I received from a customer, about a piece of Ohio flint he purchased. He was newer to crystals, but found himself drawn to some of the flint I had listed for sale.
I particularly appreciated this story, because I dug this flint myself, with my family, on a trip home one summer. I'm from Ohio, so we took a drive down to Flint Ridge and had a great time experiencing this part of Ohio and bringing back these crystals for you.
Here is the letter he sent me, after ordering a second piece. I'm sharing it here with his permission.
Hi Kristen,
Here is my back story. I really don’t know anything about using stones & crystals however, recently I watched a general tarot reading that somehow was very specific to me.
Prior to the reading I had thoughts about a movie with the name Flint in the title. When I realized the Synchronicity that occurred, I researched the uses for flint on line and eventually found you.
When I first purchased, I thought / envisioned meditating with one stone in each hand, Since I began meditation I was resistant to the thought/vision and decided to be frugal and wait to see if I like the stone etc.
OMG the moment I put the Flint Stone in my hand I felt strength & balance but realized my other hand is empty and longing for a mate. [The other crystal he purchased] is the mate or matching stone that I want to purchase.
I like what is happening and look forward to more as I continue my spiritual journey, it is amazing!
These are the kinds of stories I love receiving - so if you ever have one, please feel free to send it to me (kristen [at] mooncatcrystals dot com) and I'd be happy to share.
Want to learn more about flint?
You can find a complete overview, including what flint is and what kinds of metaphysical and energetic properties flint has, right here.
Flint may be not be as sparkly as some crystals; however, Ohio flint, in particular, is highly sought after in cabochon cutting and jewelry making, because of its gorgeous coloring and patterning. Ohio flint is super colorful and it's not uncommon to find truly stunning pieces with shades of brown, gold, rusty red, deep yellow, and even black. Many pieces also have druzy quartz pockets that add a bit of sparkle.
What magic are you inviting into your life?
And remember: the more you listen, the more you act on the little impulses, the more you allow in, the more magic your life will become.
Thank you so much to G - and to all of you, who share your magic with me.